Monday, January 18, 2010

So You Think You Can Sing (Opera)?

Photo credit: Ryan McVay / Getty Images

This week I learned about a new celeb-reality show that's going to be airing in the UK. It's called Popstar to Opera Star. The premise is to see if 8 established pop artists can be coached to sing arias and hit those high notes, just like an opera singer. Should be interesting. Anyone have satellite TV that can pick up ITV in England?

This week's lunchtime poll asks: What popstar would you like to see try their hand at singing opera?

From our Twitter camp:

@palmbeachopera - Christina Aguilera

@theatlantaopera - Christina Aguilera for sure. She has such a big voice

@theblkdragon - Christina Aguilera. I agree :)

@ppe324 - I had one friend say Kanye West, another Mariah Carey...interesting coloratura for sure.

@calgaryopera - Beyonce. More hip-hopera please.

@npbradshaw - I'd rather see Kelly Clarkson or Pink

@jordansean - I would love to see Lady Gaga do opera!

And now over to our Facebook friends:

Carson Crandall - Ellen De Generes

Michelle Hempstock - Adam Lambert

Jim Peers - Thom Yorke

Claudio Arato - Ewan McGregor

Caprice Borrowman - Marilyn Manson

Jo Thomas - Steve Perry

Michael Van Lane - Pink

Marlene Johnson - Jann Arden

Alex Mathieson - Celine Dion

Diana Maureen Sandberg - Rod Stewart

Selina Inajar - Meatloaf!

Thanks for the fab suggestions everyone! It's quite the thought to take these artists out of their comfort zone! Get rid of any amplification and mixing of vocals.

Although these singers all have the confidence and experience at performing in front of tens of thousands of fans, I wonder how many of them have the chops to do it unmic'd? With no bells, whistles or crutches, but just themselves on the big ole' stage? The thought alone is enough to give one stage fright!

~ Ling Chan

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