Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Cio-Cio Sans of All Cio-Cio Sans

Vancouver Opera is excited to introduce Mihoko Kinoshita to Vancouver audiences for her Canadian debut in Madama Butterfly. Touted by some as "the greatest Cio-Cio San", Kinoshita is an internationally renowned soprano, having sung in Europe, Japan and the US.

Everyone, but everyone is gushing about Kinoshita:

“…Kinoshita’s vocal accomplishment is absolute. …bound up in Kinoshita’s vocal prowess is her stage savvy. Her acting instincts elevate her singing to a devastating naturalism. We believe in this ingenuous Butterfly as surely as she believes in her marriage to the long-departed Lt. Pinkerton.” - The Detroit News

“…gaining strength and richness; dramatically on target, with a wealth of detail in the acting. Kinoshita left quite a vivid mark on the [Butterfly] role…” - Baltimore Sun

“Soprano's brilliant performance carries ‘Butterfly'” - Midland Daily News

Here's a taste to whet your curiosity.

(And yes, that IS James Valenti, who'll sing our Pinkerton, in the video.)

~ Ling Chan, Social Media Manager

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