Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Cat's Out of the Bag

Here's our man of the hour, Richard Nixon, walking around the streets of downtown Vancouver the other day.

Everywhere he goes, he's sure to draw attention! Even getting noticed from people up in their high-rise apartments.

Nixon waving to fans above

Nixon stopping for a photo-op

The itinerary of the day was to head to CBC Studios to shake hands with fans. However, a CBC reporter got wind of his appearance and was on the scene when Nixon arrived. Gracious and of course, lapping up the publicity, Nixon spoke with the reporter on why he was in Vancouver:

"El presidente" has spilled the beans! (and his handlers were shocked)

To offer a level playing field for fans that could not come out to meet him because of a little thing called "work", Nixon disclosed his secret reply to being told "News Has a Kind of Mystery"!

Yes, Nixon fans, if you tweet "I was opposed to China" to VO's Twitter or comment on VO's Facebook, you will be entered in a draw for 2 tickets to Nixon in China and $150 gift certificate to Chambar Restaurant.

Nixon has broken protocol just for you!

Tweet and comment away! The winner will be drawn on Wednesday, March 10.

~ Ling Chan

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